Mikael Lindell kertoi TAMKin living lab -toiminnasta kansainvälisissä julkaisuissa

EU Knowledge Valorisation Week

EU Knowledge Valorisation -viikkoa vietettiin maalis-huhtikuun vaihteessa. Viikon aikana media haastatteli mm. FUSILLI-hankkeen TAMKin osatoteutuksen projektipäällikkö Mikael Lindelliä. Mediaa kiinnosti erityisesti TAMKin living lab -toiminta.

EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2022 -online-tapahtuma järjestettiin 29.3.−1.4.2022.

Aiheesta kerrotaan mm. Modern Diplomacy -verkkosivustolla 30.3.2022 julkaistussa uutisessa ”Knowledge valorisation puts research results to work for a greener, fairer society”:

EU Valorisation Week

Co-organised by the EU Member States and the European Commission, the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week will run from 29 March to 1 April, 2022. It will bring together and share expertise amongst experts and stakeholders from all over Europe. It will showcase best examples of policies and tools that improve investments, capacities and skills for rapid progress in the uptake of research-based solutions. Stakeholders have helped shape the programme by sharing their best practices.

Living lab

Sometimes, you need the input of citizens in real life situations to see if an innovation will work. In Finland, a living laboratory for food and sustainability has been set up on the campus of the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).

Mikael Lindell, who leads the FUSILLI project on urban food systems, reveals that this April, the university cafeteria will serve experimental recipes based on ingredients that benefit the planet. It follows the EAT-Lancet diet which targets healthy diets and sustainable food production.

The project aims to reduce meat content and include more local produce in its recipes. A large local food manufacturer is involved while, crucially, staff and students on campus will be able to give feedback on their sustainable lunch fare.


30.3.2022 Knowledge valorisation puts research results to work for a greener, fairer society

30.3.2022 Knowledge valorisation puts research results to work

30.3.2022: La valorisation des connaissances met les résultats de la recherche au service d’une société plus verte et plus juste

Teksti: Modern Diplomacy -sivusto
Kuva: Editorial Team of the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform